Waycon Technologies

Corona virus information

Patricia Keane, Clinical Nutritionist BSc (Hons)

Beechfield Clinic, Athy Road, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare (045) 532410 beechfieldclinic@gmail.com
COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called coronavirus. Italian doctors are forthright in saying that “It is not the flu”.

Incubation Period

 The incubation period for this virus, which is the time between when a person is exposed to the virus and when they start showing symptoms, has been estimated at about five days on average.)



The most critical aspect of self-care is to begin a regime of checking your body's temperature preferable with a digital thermometer. Firstly, you need to establish for three consecutive mornings what your body temperature is. Our average body temperature should be 36.5 centigrade. You might find that yours is 36.3 or thereabouts.

After establishing what your body temperature is, you will then easily recognise when you get an infection. I usually know that as once I reach 37.2 or three that I have an infection somewhere. That's when I start treatment.

If you have a temperature of 38.0 it means you have a fever.

Day 1. Headache.

The headache is described as strong. Ask yourself is this the usual kind of headache I generally get. Don't overlook or dismiss the pain. Does a high temperature accompany the pain in your head?


Do you generally have nasal discharge? If not, assess your new nasal discharge. Is it discoloured? Clear, yellow or green? Has it become discoloured overnight?

Sore throat:

While gargling some combination of warm water, salt, lemon juice and vinegar have long been used as a means of relieving symptoms related to colds and flus, such as sore throats there's no evidence that it can help ward off or drive out infections from the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.

Aches and pains in your limbs and hip area and back:

Let's say you wake up in the morning feeling your usual self, and you develop aches and pains during the day, or at night, it is likely the start of an infection. Fast-acting, at this point, is essential. Check your temperature, if it's elevated that is another sign. At that point ring your healthcare provider and don't think twice about it. We sometimes can be slow in disturbing someone during the night.

If you are freezing and shivering, that means you have a high temperature and fever implies infection. If you are burning up, it means you have a high temperature. Keep yourself hydrated while controlling your temperature with Paracetamol and some doctors are recommending Solpadol.


The content of the bowel movement will be mostly water with small particles of stool. Is this common for you or new? Has your diet been as usual?

Difficulty breathing – breathlessness:

Many years ago, I developed pneumonia from Asian flu. Knowing what it is like not to be able to get air into the lungs is frightening. As soon as you start experiencing these symptoms, call your GP and have their number at hand may be stuck to the back of your phone.

Cough & Blood:

Have you observed blood in your sputum after you cough? Link to HSE

Overall, it is my opinion that prevention is better than a cure. Is it best to put all our efforts into providing as much security as possible and avoid contracting the virus. There will likely come a time when it will be unsafe to go out or have any contact with people, and I have decided to say within the perimeters of my home and be safe for as long as it takes.

Helpful Recommendations:

1. Mixed ascorbate powder

A teaspoon provides 3,000 mg of Vitamin C.

At the onset of the earliest symptoms, I suggest that you take 10,000 mg of mixed ascorbate powder daily or a Vitamin C product that can provide 10,000 mg daily.

Vitamin C works best when an infection is present. The only reaction one might have is a little loose bowel. Spread the 10,000 mg throughout a twenty-four period.

It is also acceptable to take a daily dose of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C daily.

2. Hawthorn Berry

Hawthorn is known for helping with viruses. The adult dosage that I would generally recommend is four capsules four times a day distributed over your waking hours.

3. Lemon juice

One teaspoon of lemon juice mixed with ¼ teaspoon of salt and one tablespoon of warm water, preferable the same temperature that you would drink your tea or coffee at. Rinse in the back of your throat and spit out. This procedure can be repeated several times throughout the day to help ease the discomfort of a sore throat.

Kangan 2.5 acidic water

If you have a Kangan water machine, then simply rinse with the 2.5 acidic water every half an hour. Continue to take your Vitamin C until you are symptom-free.

4. Hydration

You must keep yourself hydrated drinking a minimum of 1.75 litres of water per day. Don't include tea or coffee in that amount.

5. Dairy and sugar

Try and avoid dairy as much as possible as it traps infection and therefore making treatment more difficult.

Not eating sugary foods and high concentrated sugar drinks will help your immune system significantly.

6. Alcohol & Drugs

The coming months are going to present a severe challenge to our health. Any substances or liquids that comprise our immune system should be set aside.

7. Floundering immune system

If you've been experiencing slight infections, for example, sinus, ears, nose and throat, I cannot express strongly enough to get immune-supporting nutrients.

  • Vitamin D with K2 is excellent – take 4,000 IU daily for two weeks, then reduce the dosage to 2,000 IU daily.
  • Echinacea Forte – made by Vogel – for adults take 4 of them four times a day after food.
  • Vitamin C – Take 4,000 mg daily for adults for about one week.

8. Decisions

Think about the impact Covid 19 is going to have on us and everyone around us. It creates chaos, fear, intense anxiety and the feeling of helplessness.

We have a massive responsibility to stay out of A & E. The HSE has issued stringent criteria for A & E admissions. They no longer allow a family member to accompany a sick, gravely ill or dying person into the emergency area. These new rules have been implemented in the past week.

We can all emerge from this disaster unscathed if we support, co-operate and look out for each other's best interests.

Patricia Keane, Clinical Nutritionist BSc (Hons)

Beechfield Clinic, Athy Road, Monasterevin, Co. Kildare (045) 532410 beechfieldclinic@gmail.com

I want to share with you three short, but amazing pieces of information that I have gathered after more scientific research about the extraordinary effects of Vitamin D, Vitamin A, Zinc and Quinine in the prevention and treatment of the Corona Virus.

Vitamin D

Viruses are always looking for a way to get into our bodies and replicate themselves in our cells. That's what they like doing best! We have a particular type of White Blood Cell called Macrophage that is part of our defence system and their purpose is to invade a virus and then kill it off. For Macrophages to be efficient and effective in their fight against the enemy they need fuel to battle it out, just as all our 6 trillion cells do. The specific fuel that these fighting cells need is Vitamin D. As once the Macrophages have plenty of Vitamin D they are immobilised into creating a substance called Cathelicidins which is an antimicrobial protein. This substance works like cannons in the way it surrounds a virus wall such as Corona and then blows them up. These cells love to do their blasting and that's what they are made for, but the problem is that we don't have enough Vitamin D to supply the food chain that these guys need. It's a sad fact that due to our lack of sunshine a vast 90% of the population have below the mean value levels of Vitamin D. And it's not just the lack of sunshine that caused a Vitamin D deficiency is also because of high levels of fluoride in the water that prevents the uptake and production of Vitamin D.

I recommend that every adult should be taking a maintenance dose of 5,000 IU daily so as to keep our Macrophages working properly. Initially, I suggest that an adult should take 10,000 IU daily for ten days and then drop back to 5,000 IU daily. Children should be taking 2,000 IU daily along with 1,000 IU of Vitamin A, which I'm going to write about next.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another hard hitter when it comes to dealing with Coronavirus or any virus for that matter. Vitamin A is a hormone and is produced by eating rich dark fruits and vegetables, for example, aubergines and plums. We need to be consuming an abundance of them to deliver the levels of carotenoids that make Vitamin A. Vitamin A is responsible for building scaffolding around the epithelium cells in the lungs that Corona Virus wants to get into, but is blocked on the outside of the cell. Recommendations as a maintenance dose for adults is 10,000 IU daily. Children: 2,000 IU daily.

How blessed we are to have such an innate defence mechanism! All we have to do is eat well, avoid sugar that is damaging to our Macrophage cells, drink water that doesn't contain fluoride and eat as many organic fruits and vegetables that we can get our hands-on.


So the last one is Zinc. This mineral has many wonderful purposes in our life, but the one that is being spectacularly high-lighted at the moment is the support it's giving to the immune system.

Recommendations for a maintenance dose is 30 mg daily for adults only.


This natural compound that is found in Tonic Water and acts as a transporter of nutrients to the cell. It enables the cell to open faster and therefore the person gets a more expedient relief of symptoms such as cramps, aches and pains. In the treatment of COVID 19, it carries high levels of Zinc into the cell supporting the immune system. It will help restore the loss of the sense of smell and taste caused by Corona Virus. Recommendations: 30-40 mls once a day first thing in the morning or before going to bed at night.

The above dosages that I've recommended are maintenance doses only. I have practitioner brands in stock if anyone needs them.

For a person who is symptomatic with C V, the dosages should be increased, but I'm not going to give those here. You may contact me directly for them.

It's hugely encouraging to see that Vitamin C is being widely used intravenously in the treatment of COVID 19 in the United States. Doctors are administering 10,000 mg daily, over the course of 24-hours.

I recommend that everyone take 1,500 mg daily as a maintenance dose and continue to do so with all the above-mentioned nutrients for the foreseeable future.